Winter proofing: Keeping your little one warm

As babies are so small and precious, we tend to keep them indoors wrapped up in the safety of their own home or maybe bring them on a nice walk outside bundled up in their warm pram but with toddlers it’s important for them to get outside and play (any Mama will tell you it’s not just that it’s important, if they want to go outside, they will throw a tantrum until they’re allowed) which is why we need to make sure that both babies and especially toddlers are prepared for Jack Frost’s chill.

  • Drafts

Drafts can sneak in even in the newest of homes so it’s important to make sure that any potential drafts are covered up or that at least baby is wearing layers when around them. The main ones come in the obvious places, under the door, over the door, from the porch or beside and through windows. There are some less common places though, coming from the attic or the stairs. To combat these, we would advise blocking them by using draft excluders or putting a towel or even some kitchen towel in them depending on their size to stop the cold air getting through.

  • Blankets

Young babies don’t move very much so once swaddled, they tend to stay in that position and the blanket stays nice and secure around them. Toddler’s on the other hand are a different story as they kick off their blanket at every opportunity. Having been put to bed, head on pillow at the top of their cot, you can be guaranteed that by the next morning, you will find them at the opposite in the starfish position. This is why it’s important to put a thicker, heavier blanket over a toddler as it tends to cover them more and makes it a little harder to kick off. The other option is a gro-bag which is a new-fangled invention. These are essentially blankets made into a sleepsuit design with holes for your little’s ones arms to peak out of so that they don’t feel constrained. As baba is essentially wearing the gro-bag, they have no way to pull it off which means they stay warm all night.

  • Vests/Sleepsuits

Both babies and toddler’s alike need to wear their vests every day in Winter as they are super warm underwear for under any of their clothes, especially their outdoor gear but their sleepsuits are vital at night time. Toddler’s love being as naked as possible so they love running around in just a vest or even their nappy and sometimes when they fall asleep for a nap or at night, they are so cute and content, you don’t want to bother them by putting on more layers but unfortunately you need to as it’d be far worse if baby gets sick from a cold because of wearing too little during the night.

  • Mittins/Gloves/Scarves

Babies need mittins as the little monkeys tend to scrape their face in the first few weeks and their nails seem to grow at a rapid rate so they usually have these on anyway. Toddler’s on the other hand need them to keep warm and to avoid losing heat through their hands and catching a cold. Whether they are out playing with you on a swing or maybe even in the snow, they will definitely need something on their little hands. Scarves are essential too for keeping baba’s neck nice and toasty and keeping the infections at bay.

  • Boots/Wellies

This doesn’t apply to little babies of course but toddler’s usually start their lives in pre-walkers or first shoes which are usually lovely and perfect for their posture however they’re not usually suitable for outdoor adventures in bad weather which is why it’s important to invest in a pair of wellies or boots for your little one, not only to avoid ruining the nice ones but also because baba’s tend to lose heat through their feet and if they are wet on top of that, it could lead to a sick and/or miserable little person and of course nobody wants that!

  • Hats

Hats keep the heat in both baby’s and toddler’s heads and the chill from their ears. Easy to keep on the head of a young baby, not so easy to keep on an older one. Depending on the child, they may love or hate hats so it’s important to find the right one that stays on easy. If you are having trouble, you will need to start practising your persuasion skills i.e. wearing a hat yourself and saying “ooooh this is a lovely hat, look at Mama’s hat” hopefully by doing this repeatedly, baba will begin to copy you and want to be like Mama in their own lovely and WARM hat (PS: I have tried and tested this method, it may have taken me a good four months but now it finally works)

  • Stroller/Pram

Whether you have a new born or a 2 year old, it’s important to go out and get some fresh air.  There is an assumption that young babies need to be kept inside for safe keeping but really, once they are wrapped up warm and you have the pram cover safely secured, baba is more than prepared to brave the elements and the trip outside will do them the world of good (and you). Toddlers may want to walk but at some point, their little legs may get tired so into the stroller they go. Just like babies, it’s important to remember to bring your foot muff, cover and rain cover to protect your little one.


It all may sound a little overbearing and might never happen but for anyone who has had a sick baby, it is not only upsetting for your pride and joy to be under the weather but sometimes even more upsetting for you as we tend to feel so helpless and wish it was us who was sick instead. So if by doing these few small things, helps to prevent baba from catching anything, then it’s certainly worth it!



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