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Your baby is the size of a Butternut Squash
You're 29 weeks pregnant and your baby is nearly 40cm in length and weighs 2lb 5oz or thereabouts, although by now there’s quite a variation in size and weight between babies. During the third trimester, you can expect your baby to triple in weight by the time 40 weeks are up. In many respects your baby is fully formed now – all the organs are developed but will continue to mature as they get ready to greet the world.

You & your body
Lots of mums have difficulty sleeping during pregnancy. Try sleeping on your side with three pillows – one between your knees, one in the small of your back and one under your head. Have a warm, milky drink before you go to bed but it’s best to avoid tea or coffee because the caffeine can make it too difficult to relax and might make you want to wee in the night. You can also try putting a few drops of a diluted and pregnancy-safe essential oil into your bath such as lavender to help you relax and wind down.
Did you know?
Between now and when they are born, your baby will more than double their weight. You’re probably already getting a little preview of baby’s personality, the more your feel him or her move. You might get some playful kicks and nudges, and start to feel some hiccups too (it’ll fell like a twitch).
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